Based on the IATA Pool fuel quality control inspection (IFQP) results Aerofuels-Perm refueling complex (a member of Aerofuels Group) was granted a highest status of refueling operations safety level: Green. The commission opinion points out that this fact will be duly appreciated by Group of companies Aerofuels customers – airlines, participants of IFQP.
TZK Aerofuels-Perm current inspection was not held for the first time and its main goal was evaluation of status of fuel handling facilities and equipment maintaining, as well as aviation fuel supply procedures in the airport. Inspectors marked in the report that renovation of fuel handling facilities and key elements of aviation fuel supply performed in 2013-2014 makes it possible to provide an appropriate level of safety and to influence refueling operations efficiency.
Due to the fact that a new Russian Technical Regulation (TR TS 013/2011) will soon shift responsibility for fuel quality and safety levels from Refineries onto TZK a positive factor pointed out by the inspection was the actual usage of absolutely new laboratory devices in jet fuels quality control. That ensures complete conformance of fuel to the requirements of standards and regulations. One more goal of the inspection was to inspect observance of regulations by airlines, members of Pool IATA in fuel quality control (IFQP), and by the refueling complexes subject to regular inspections. This inspection was performed in Perm by Aeroflot – Russian Airlines OAO, a member of IFQP, specialists.
Aerofuels-Perm refueling complex is a part of 20 TZK network belonging to the Group of companies Aerofuels. In the international airport Perm it is an alternative TZK and has been successfully operating in the competitive environment for 14 years. Aerofuels Perm offers a whole range of services in fuel receipt, storage, quality control and aircrafts refueling in Perm. Attractive prices, high quality of refueling service make it possible to provide services to the leading Russian air carriers, as well as the international ones.