Only one refueller - Sovex company has been working in the airport for a long time. As representatives of Air gate of capital of the North consortium, controlling the airport, said, now “they managed to break monopoly”. In early January Shell&Aerofuels company, quite new for Pulkovo, produced the first refuelling. Dmitry Rudenko, Air gate director on strategy and development, pointed out that the aviation company responded to the second player appearance at Pulkovo quite positively being very sensitive to jet fuel prices. Mr.Rudenko explained that fuel makes up to 30 percents of a ticket self-cost. Shell&Aerofuels appearance, Air gate representative supposes, will lower kerosene prices, “which is just happening”. In the result that shall cause a ticket self- cost reduction for passengers, summed up Dmitry Rudenko.
Dmitry Rudenko marks that prices reduction, even if it happens, will be not very soon – Shell needs to take a definite share, at present it is not very significant.
In a year, when a new terminal starts working, a new unified refuelling complex will start operating, too, including a depot and a hydrant system. After that number of operators must grow. Air gate director on strategy and development said that it was planned to engage 3-4 fuel suppliers for a new terminal. Negotiations are being held with all of them. At present, as Mr.Rudenko pointed out, Shell has turned out to be more flexible than other companies, though negotiations are being held with Rosneft and TNK-VR. “None of the companies could have been operating so rapidly and dynamically for such a short period but Shell”, added Mr.Rudenko.
To contact Shell&Aerofuels representative online. Message in the company website confirms that they have enlarged their activity, have come to Pulkovo and they hope to rise a competition level.
Experts say that it is required to strengthen competition environment not only among operators refuelling aircraft but among those supplying fuel from refineries to an air hub. Less part of the added value falls at those “supplying into-plane refuelling “. As Oleg Panteleev, Aviaport agency analytical service head, said, situation will be improving only for aviation companies in the future when new operators come. Consequently, that will make it possible to reduce prices growth rate regarding fuel prices increase having been observed over recent years, the expert explained. To his opinion there is no question of prices reduction in the near future.
Generally experts speak about aviation companies expenses lowering carefully, reminding that they depend on many factors, on petroleum world market prices as well. Even more careful they are in prognosis upon possible reduction of an air-ticket cost.